Jaeger/Sullivan Return to Throwing Manual & Schedule
About Lesson

“Everyone Heals & Develops Differently”

–Gabi Nilles

Though our Throwing Schedule is based on a great deal of experience and input from many highly respected professionals, the ultimate barometer is YOU. Use this Throwing Schedule as a guide, but please listen to your body and trust your instincts. Lastly, though the Throwing Schedule is based on a “calendar” that has several phases and thresholds, we urge you to take the focus off of where the calendar says you “should” be, and focus on where you actually are. This may take some time to get the feel for it, but please avoid thinking you “should” be at a certain distance or effort level by a certain date. In a way, you are “eliminating the calendar” (future), and focusing on the present (process).

(Weeks 1-12) 30* – 120 Feet, Base Building, Massage Throwing, Athleticism

*You may find it comfortable and natural to begin your throwing session each day at 30 feet. But if you feel that 30 feet is too close, and you prefer to start out a little further away from your throwing partner, like 35-40 feet, feel free to do so. Especially considering how common it is for athletes to do a comprehensive Arm Care Routine prior to throwing. You may also find that by throwing with some Arc, the ball will tend to travel further than throwing it on a line. Ironically, by starting off at a little further distance, you will actually be freed up to throw with less effort with Arc, rather than more effort on a line. Thus, Arc throwing will also tend to promote more relaxation and freedom in your throws (see video on massage throwing) – two of our main objectives as you begin to acclimate yourself back to throwing after a great deal of time off. However, if for any reason, you feel more comfortable starting closer, or throwing with less Arc, please feel free to follow your instincts. Whatever distance you do decide to start at, always listen to your arm.

Note Regarding Mechanical Variables:

While most people would agree that throwing mechanics can be important contributors to injury, and those variables need to be individually investigated and addressed, that concept is beyond the scope of our approach. Please be sure to confer with both your Pitching Coach and Rehab Specialist.


The contents of this Throwing Manual and Schedule are not intended as medical advice. As with any exercise program or throwing regimen, always consult your physician or a qualified medical provider before beginning this Throwing Manual.

Week 1:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 15-20% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 1: 15 @ 30 ft, REST 3-5 minutes, 15 @ 30 ft (30 throws total)
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: 15 @ 30 ft, REST 3-5 minutes, 15 @ 30 ft (30 throws total)
  • Day 4: Rest
  • Day 5: 15 @ 30 ft, REST 3-5 minutes, 15 @ 30 ft (30 throws total)
  • Day 6: Rest
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 2:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 20-25% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 8: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, REST 3-5 minutes, 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft (40 throws total)
  • Day 9: Rest
  • Day 10: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, REST 3-5 minutes, 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft (40 throws total)
  • Day 11: Rest
  • Day 12: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, REST 3-5 minutes, 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft (40 throws total)
  • Day 13:  Rest
  • Day 14: Rest

Week 3:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 25-30% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 15: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 30 ft (50 throws total)
  • Day 16: Rest
  • Day 17: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 30 ft (50 throws total)
  • Day 18: Rest
  • Day 19: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 30 ft (50 throws total)
  • Day 20: Rest
  • Day 21: Rest

Week 4:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 30-35% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 22: 10 @ 30 ft, 20 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 30 ft (60 throws total)
  • Day 23: Rest
  • Day 24: 10 @ 30 ft, 20 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 30 ft (60 throws total)
  • Day 25: Rest
  • Day 26: 10 @ 30 ft, 20 @ 45 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 30 ft (65 throws total)
  • Day 27: Rest
  • Day 28: Rest

Week 5:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 35-40% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 29: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft (65 throws total)
  • Day 30: Rest
  • Day 31: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft (70 throws total)
  • Day 32: Rest
  • Day 33: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft (70 throws total)
  • Day 34: Rest
  • Day 35: Rest

Week 6:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 40-45% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 36: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 5 @75 ft (70 throws total)
  • Day 37: Rest
  • Day 38: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 5 @75 ft (70 throws total)
  • Day 39: Rest
  • Day 40: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 41: Rest
  • Day 42: Rest

Week 7: Massage Throwing (Add in a 4th day of light throwing on Sunday)

(Target Intensity: Build up to 45-50% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 43: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 44: Rest
  • Day 45: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 46: Rest
  • Day 47: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 48: Rest
  • Day 49: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 20 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 45 ft,  (50 throws total)

Week 8:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 50-55% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 50: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 51: Rest
  • Day 52: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 15 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (80 throws total)
  • Day 53: Rest
  • Day 54: 10 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 15 @ 75 ft,  REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @75 ft (80 throws total)
  • Day 55: Rest
  • Day 56: 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75, 10 @ 60 ft,  (50 throws total)

Week 9:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 55-60% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 57: 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 15 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60ft, 10 @ 75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 58: Rest
  • Day 59: 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 15 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60ft, 10 @ 75 ft (75 throws total)
  • Day 60: Rest
  • Day 61: 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 15 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60ft, 15 @ 75 ft (80 throws total)
  • Day 62: Rest
  • Day 63: 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 15 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75, 10 @ 60 ft,  (50 throws total)

Week 10:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 60-65% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 64: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 15 @ 90 ft, REST 3-5 min, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft (80 throws total)
  • Day 65: Rest
  • Day 66: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 15 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, REST, 5 @ 45 ft, 5 @ 60ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft (85 throws total)
  • Day 67: Rest
  • Day 68: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 15 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, REST, 5 @ 45 ft, 5 @ 60ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft (85 throws total)
  • Day 69: Rest
  • Day 70: 5 @ 30 ft, 10 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60 ft, (55 throws total)

Week 11 (Add in optional Cool Down on the Mound with LOW EFFORT at the end of throwing session)

(Target Intensity: Build up to 65-70% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 71: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60ft
    • *Cool Down off the Mound, 10 @ 45 feet (60% effort)
    • (85 throws total)
  • Day 72: Rest
  • Day 73: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60ft
    • *Cool Down off the Mound, 10 @ 45 feet (60% effort)
    • (85 throws total)
  • Day 74: Rest
  • Day 75: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60ft
    • *Cool Down off the Mound, 10 @ 45 feet (60% effort)
    • (85 throws total)
  • Day 76: Rest
  • Day 77: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75, 10 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60 ft, (60 throws total)

Week 12:

Massage Throwing (Target Intensity: Build up to 70-75% perceived intensity based on Throwing Distance recommendations – See Ben Brewster’s Perceived Intensity Progression & Target Velocity Charts above).

  • Day 78: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 120 ft, 5 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60 ft
    • *Cool Down off the Mound, 15 @ 45 ft (60% effort)
    • (90 throws total)
  • Day 79: Rest
  • Day 80: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 120 ft, 5 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60 ft
    • *Cool Down off the Mound, 15 @ 45 ft (60% effort)
    • (90 throws total)
  • Day 81: Rest
  • Day 82: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 120 ft, 5 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60 ft
    • *Cool Down off the Mound, 15 @ 45 ft (60% effort)
    • (90 throws total)
  • Day 83: Rest
  • Day 84: 5 @ 30 ft, 5 @ 45 ft, 10 @ 60 ft, 10 @ 75 ft, 10 @ 90 ft, 10 @ 105 ft, 5 @ 90 ft, 5 @ 75 ft, 5 @ 60 ft, (65 throws total)