Relief Pitcher Protocol
One of the questions we receive often is how Relief Pitchers should prep their arm before a game. A lot of times they ask themselves “Should I save my arm for the game?” or similar questions. We have spent a lot of time analyzing Relief Pitcher Protocol.
Starting pitchers have the luxury of knowing when their start day is, game time, etc. and they can plan their Arm Care and Arm Preparation accordingly. Relief Pitchers can be called upon at any time so their navigation is a bit trickier when it comes to being prepared.
We have a few tips and tools to help a Relief Pitcher be fully prepared and thrive in any role:
- Stretch You Arm Out Fully Before the a Game with Long Toss
- Do not Pull Down Before the Game
- This keeps your arm”open” going into the game.
- Incubate the Arm Throughout the Game
This is a very important point that can significantly change a Relief Pitcher’s performance and recovery. Keep the arm active throughout the game with band work, light catch and arm circles.
These are tools that we have seen work countless times with Relief Pitchers. It not only helps their performance but they are also shocked how much it helps their recovery and helps them bounce back.
The bottom line is to Listen To You Arm and play around with these tools to perfect them for you. Figure out how often you need to do bands, or get a light jog in during the game so you are fully ready when called upon.
Additional Resources
- CSP Elite Baseball Development Podcast: Building a Better Throwing Program with Alan Jaeger and Eric Cressey –
- ABCA: Calls From The Clubhouse – Arm Care & Development Part I with Alan Jaeger –
- ABCA: Calls From the Clubhouse – Arm Care & Development Part II with Alan Jaeger, Scott Brown, Butch Thompson and Nate Yeskie –
- Jaeger Sports Arm Strength and Conditioning –
- In-Season Throwing Program – Jaeger Sports Staff –
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