Jaeger Sports is a Southern California-based organization specializing in Arm Health, Arm Conditioning for baseball and Mental Training. Through a variety of products and training programs we address more than just an athlete’s physical skills and preparation.
Our goal at Jaeger Sports is to help athletes optimize their performance through Arm Conditioning and Mental Training. We do this through our Jaeger Sports Arm Health and Care Program and our Jaeger Sports Mental Training.
The Jaeger Sports Arm Care Program consists of three parts: Arm Circles, J-Bands™, and Long Toss. The Arm Care Program helps to ensure that athletes remain healthy and increase arm strength. These two attributes go hand-in-hand: if an athlete is not healthy, they can not train, improve performance or get stronger.
We strongly believe in the power and value of Mental Training. The Jaeger Sports Mental Training principles are what Jaeger Sports was founded on in 1991 and a huge part of what we do today. An athlete’s performance is typically a reflection of their mental skills which is why we highly value Mental Training.
At Jaeger Sports, our Training Programs integrate both Physical and Mental Skills which prepares the entire athlete, body and mind, for the practice or performance environment. Our mission is to ensure that every athlete reaches their full potential and enjoys the process along the way.