At Jaeger Sports we believe that an Athlete’s best chance to optimize their full potential relies on more than just physical skills. Our philosophy and approach places a huge emphasis on Mental, as well as Physical preparation to help athletes develop and optimize both their Physical and Mental Skills. Check out our training programs below, which includes a throwing program for baseball or softball, and mental training programs.

Arm Strength & Conditioning Training Program
The Jaeger Sports Arm Strength and Conditioning training program is designed, first and foremost, to keep athletes Healthy. Our three step approach toward Arm Development — Arm Circles, J-Bands™ and Long Toss — not only address the health of the arm, but also promote other major benefits, including: Endurance, Strength, Recovery Period and Mind/Body Awareness.

Mental Training Program
It is safe to say that the “mental side of the game” plays a huge role in an athletes career. We feel very strongly that the mental side of the game is not only the most important aspect of the game, but also, the most neglected. That’s why we feel it is so essential for athletes to incorporate Mental Training into their training regimen (as well as Coaches into their Daily Practice Plan). The Jaeger Sports Mental Training is designed to not only be easy to understand, but also, easy to implement.

Private Lessons
Jaeger Sports offers private instruction at various times throughout the year for Arm Strength & Conditioning and Mental Training.
Please email or call for availability: 310-665-0746

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