Jaeger/Sullivan Return to Throwing Manual & Schedule


View or Download the Jaeger/Sullivan Return to Throwing Manual & Schedule: You can read through the entire Return to Throwing Manual & Schedule here online by clicking on the Getting Started button above. We also have it available to download as a PDF if you wish to read it offline. You can download the PDF by clicking here: https://jaegersports.com/download/48762


The initial goal of our Throwing Manual & Schedule is to give you a great deal of clarity up front so that you can optimize the entire return to throwing process in the safest and most effective way. For this reason, in addition to the actual Throwing Schedule, we have also included a number of other resources, including a Note Section, a Glossary of Terms, Videos, Ancillary Programs, and a Questionnaire (regarding your pre-surgery throwing routine). We want you to be as educated and clear as to the meaning and purpose behind everything we do, and ultimately, you do. We’ve also gone into great detail to ensure that this entire process is user-friendly and adaptable to your individual needs. Please be sure to go over each of these sections a few times so that you are abundantly clear as to their meaning and purpose before starting the Throwing Schedule.

The following Throwing Schedule and Guidelines are based specifically on returning from a traditional Tommy John Surgery (10-11 Months). Because your needs for a Throwing Schedule may change based on other types of surgery on your arm (i.e., Internal Brace), the following guidelines and timelines may not be consistent with your particular needs. However, please keep in mind that the “core principles” of our Throwing Manual & Schedule can still give you a great deal of direction and insight as to the best way to navigate your return to throwing process. Especially in the case of a minor surgery, or even just taking time off to heal. In many of these cases, you may find it helpful to condense, especially, the first 10 Weeks of our Throwing Schedule that extends out to 120 feet, and then find that starting at Week 11, our Guidelines may align well with your throwing routine.

Also, the timeline of “when” to start your Throwing Schedule may vary from surgeon to surgeon anywhere from 4-6 months post-surgery. Please keep in mind that if your surgeon recommends a more aggressive start up after 4 months, you may consider an even more conservative approach to your Throwing Schedule. As with everything we recommend, please be sure to listen to your arm and instincts, and consult with both your Pitching Coach and Medical Professionals.

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