Year Round Throwing Manual


Our “Year Round Throwing Manual” is designed to give players, coaches and parents a plan of action to not only find out how to best optimize the Health, Strength, Endurance and Recovery Period of the arm, but to gain insight into how to best “navigate” the four major seasons or periods throughout the year (Off Season, In Season, Summer Months, Rest Periods).

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Our Year Round Throwing Manual is designed to give players, coaches and parents a plan of action. One of the primary goals of every athlete is to optimize their skills and abilities. In baseball, there is not a more important skill than throwing. For starters, if you can’t throw, you can’t play. But throwing is more than just staying injury free. The goal of every baseball player should be to find out “what’s” in your arm, and “what” it is capable of doing.

Jaeger Sports gives players, coaches and parents a plan of action to find this out by not only optimizing arm Health, Strength, Endurance and Recovery Period of the arm, but to gain insight into how to best “navigate” the four major seasons or periods throughout the year (Off Season, In Season, Summer Months, Rest Periods).

Based on 25 years of experience, our step by step approach will clearly lay out a plan that takes the guess work out. By understanding, strategically, “when” to start your Throwing Progression, “how” to best Build Up and Maintenance your arm, “when” (and how long) to Rest, and “how” to best navigate the Summer Months, this Year Round Throwing Manual provides a plan that makes sense and is easy to follow…a plan that gives you clarity and confidence as you make your way through each period or season with arm health in mind.

This is best accomplished by understanding a few of our most essential principles up front, namely: 1) That all arms are unique, 2) The importance of “listening to the arm” and allowing it to dictate what it needs from day to day, 3) The positive effects on an arm (Strength, Health, Endurance, improved Recovery Period) by throwing more, rather than less, and 4) The importance of Arm Care, Long Toss, and the overall arm health for baseball.

Finally, you will also find an Addendum section at the end of the Manual that addresses a number of additional topics, including: the Mental Side of Throwing, Pitch Counts, Rehabilitation Protocols, Inclement Weather (Indoor) Training, and Protecting Your Arm as you move forward in your career.

It’s simply amazing what our bodies (arms) are capable of doing if there is a clear and direct intention toward training, along with a map that gives us the guidance to best navigate that path.

This Manual was written with this in mind.

Additional information

Weight .80 lbs
Year Round Throwing Manual Format

Paperback, eBook


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